50 Woodworkers On Twitter You Should Follow
We know some of you use your well organized garage largely for woodworking projects. This post is for you. And if you need some ideas on how to get your garage to that point, look no further!
The community of active, engaging woodworkers on Twitter is not very big, but those who belong to that community post loads of great information. Below are 60 woodworkers — both hobbyist and professional — who reliably tweet out tutorials, photos of projects as they develop, and relevant news for anyone who is interested in woodworking.
If you need a little guidance, if you are constantly searching for project ideas or how-to videos, or if you would just like some inspiration for your own projects, follow these 60 woodworkers on Twitter.
- Angus Ross Workshop, @aRossWorkshop
Anna Nichols, @alnfurniture
Bill Griggs, @BillGriggs
Chris Adkins, @HighRockWW
Chris Kuehn, @ChrisK6789
Chris Monck,@HighlineGuitars
Chris Wong, @FlairWoodworks
Christopher Schwarz, @RudeMechanic
David Picciuto, @drunkenwood
Dyami Plotke, @DyamiPlotke
English Woodlands, @cockingsawmills
Frank Howarth, @FrankHowarth
Gareth Neal, @Gareth_Neal
George Mead, @MeadFurniture
Get Woodworking, @GetWoodworking
Highland Woodworking, @HighlandWood
Jake Gevorgian, @PaloArte
Jeff Lefkowitz, @jefflefkowitz
Jeff Miller, @HandcraftedFurn
Jeremiah Rodriguez, @sawdustislife
Jo Roessler, @nojodesign
Lumber Jocks, @LumberJocks
Marc Spagnuolo, @WoodWhisperer
Mark Hicks, @MarkBuildsIt
Matt Kenney, @MKatFWW
MBW Podcast, @MBWPodcast
Megan Fitzpatrick, @1snugthejoiner
Modern Woodworkers Association, @MWA_National
Neil Cronk, @TwoWheelNeil
Nick Offerman, @Nick_Offerman
NW Woodworking, @GaryRogowski
Popular Woodworks, @PWeditors
Rockler Woodworking, @Rockler
Sam DeSocio, @revswoodshop
Scott Meek, @SMeekWoodworks
Sebastian Cox, @sebastiancoxltd
Shannon Rogers, @RenaissanceWW
Shawn Graham, @wortheffort_sg
Steve Branam, @CloseGrain
Steve Ramsey, @MereMortalsWW
Tessa Silva, @tessa_silva
The Woodfather, @TheWoodfather
Tom’s Workbench, @TomsWorkbench
Upper Cut Woodworks, @uppercutwood
WOOD Magazine, @WOOD_Magazine
Woodcraft, @Woodcraft
Woodworkers Garage, @woodworkgarage
Woodworkers Institute, @woodworkers
Woodworker’s Journal, @WoodworkersJrnl
Woodworking Network, @WoodworkingBiz
Woodworking Tips, @WoodworkingLife