Check Out These 37 Professional Organizers on Twitter
‘Tis the season for friends, family and other relatives to visit, all of them bearing gifts.
Your house might look cheerful and holiday-appropriate now, but once the big day is over, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed with all that Christmas clutter.
If you’re swimming in piles of junk, don’t stress. We’ve found 40 professional organizers on Twitter who all offer useful advice and tips for decluttering and sprucing up your home. Another approach is to use garage cabinets to increase your storage capacity, and remember to keep in mind the 5 features to look for when considering which cabinets might suit you best.
Julie Naylon, @NoWireHangers_
Blisfully Organized, @blissfullyorgan
Ellen Delap, @TexasOrganizer
Lisa Zaslow, @Gotham Organizer
Janet Schiesl, @BasicOrganizer
Sgrott Wheedleton, @OrganizeManiacs
Regina Leeds, @TheZenOrganizer
Lori Marrero, @clutterdiet
Gigi Miller, @organizer
Julie Morgenstern, @JulieMorgenstrn
Jan Tankersley, @ListPlanItGirl
Organized, @girl_organized
Adriel the Organizer, @AdrielOrganizes
Heidi Solomon, @PoshOrganizing
Shannon Baker, @key2organizing
On Task Organizing, @OnTaskOrg
Katy Home Organizer, @KtHomeOrganizer
Kelly Jayne McCann, @OrganizingMaven
Jacquie Ross, @JacquieRoss2
Anna Sicalides, @annaorganizes
Jane Veldhoven, @organizerjane
Marla Regan, @organizedtime
I Heart Organizing, @IHeartOrganize
Peter Walsh, @PeterWalsh
Candice Berneman Kahn, @FashOrganized
Linda Chu, @OutOfChaos
John Trosko, @JohnTrosko
Amy Tokos, @organizingbyamy
Geralin Thomas, @metrozing
Amber’s Organizing, @luvtoorganize
Cindy Levitt, @pxp_organizing
Bonnie Joy Dewkett, @TheJoyfulOrg
Jody Al-Saigh, @PictPerfectOrg
Laurie Palau, @smplyBorganized
Tina Blazer, @SpotOnOrganizin
Julie Bestry, @ProfOrganizer
Collette Shine, @OrganizeShine