40 Blogs To Help Organize Your Home

Blogs To Help You Organize Your Home

We know getting your home organized is a huge task. Even getting a single room or the garage organized can take a great deal of effort and motivation.

Never fear. There is a universe of great bloggers, many of whom are themselves professional organizers, who can offer tips on where to get started, examples of great work and even a little inspiration to nudge you forward on those days when you aren’t feeling motivated. And if you're an avid DIYer be sure to check out these 18 garage organization tips!

Here are 41 blogs that can help you get your home organized:

Org Junkie

Aren’t you glad there are people who not only organize homes for fun but want to share the how-to information? Org Junkie’s Laura is one such person, and earlier this year she even launched a smartphone app to help readers get their homes in order.

Practical Perfection

Michelle's blog is for those of you who don't have it together...but want to! Her blog is all about cleaning, organizing and decorating on a budget while trying to manage family life.

Click here to visit her site and get the best ideas for organizing.

Zen Habits

Leo Babauta’s blog is one of the 50 most-read blogs on the whole internet because his simple-living advice is just so spot on. And, right on cue, he posted at the end of June a Quickstart Guide to a Decluttered Home.

Engineer Your Space

This blog is full of great DIY tips and actual video tutorials for home remodeling and organization. Have a look at episode 11 from the video series, a 6-minute tutorial on organizing your bedroom closet.


Lifehacker’s posts cover a wide range of subjects, but linked above is everything tagged “organizing” on that blog. And there are some great posts in that feed:

Clean & Scentsible

A pillar of Jenn Lifford’s blog is home organization. A great place to get started is one of her most recent posts, How to Organize Your Garage.

Organizing Pro

Marcia Ramsland has been speaking about and teaching people how to organize since 1985. She’s also written five books on the topic. Here is a great post she wrote in 2011: 10 Tips to Speed Up Laundry.

The Minimalists

Minimalism is kind of the nuclear option for decluttering: Rather than organizing their stuff, some people finally just decide they would rather have a lot less of it. For most people, a middle ground between a mess and a totally empty room is the ideal. Nevertheless, it’s worth asking yourself minimalism-inspired questions such as, “What things can we get rid of?

Simplify 101’s Organizing blog

Simplify 101 is a professional creative organization firm (that is, organization and creativity go hand in hand, and they offer professional help with that). One really nice post from the blog discusses how to organize important documents into a home management binder.

A Bowl Full of Lemons

The ABFOL is a fantastic resource for many aspects of making sure you house feels like a home: Cleaning, organization, budgeting, even putting together a survival kit for your family. Start here

Delightful Order

DaNita, the blogger behind Delightful Order, focuses on the actual aesthetics of organizing, i.e. an organized home is a beautiful home. A good entry point into her blog is a question many people ask: Where do I even get started with organizing?

I Heart Organizing

Here is how I Heart Organizing’s writer, Miss Jen, describes herself: “Whenever I go missing, it’s probably a safe bet that I could be found digging in a cabinet, drawer or closet, paring things down, rearranging and spinning my gears. Always looking at each and every space, wondering what could be done to to beautify and simplify that zone. I can’t stop. Really. It’s the most fantastic addiction.” Let her addiction be your savior.

Andrea Dekker’s blog

Andrea’s focus is a little wider in scope — she’s a life simplifier. This most definitely includes home organization (see here) but also extends to shopping tips, recipes and even frugal ideas for taking your significant other out for the evening.

Storage and Glee

This is some next-level organization going on here, much of it curated content. Just take a look at this mega sewing basket.

A Thousand Words

Jen spells it “organise” down in New Zealand, and that’s OK because she has some seriously in-depth guides to organizing, such as this one for family photos.

Deliciously Organized

Carlee has created a blog that just looks so, well, clean. Her blog makes the case that organization can look delicious, and the blog layout alone walks the talk. See her organization tutorials ordered by topic here.


The Fly Lady has a 31-day, 15-minutes-per-day system that readers can follow to get their homes organized … and it starts by shining your sink.

Simply Organized

Samantha at Simply Organized is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, and her focus on keeping everything simple makes her tutorials very useful (and it lands her clients, which is always nice).

Organizing Made Fun

Becky at Organizing Made Fun has a particularly useful section devoted just to organizing during Christmas, a holiday that most of us forget how messy it is until we step on an ornament or trip over a couple of presents one morning on the way to the kitchen for coffee

Get Organized Wizard

Michelle Connolly actually wrote a thesis on happiness after she left her high-pressure job in marketing communications and went back to school to study psychology. What she found is that time management, clutter control and weight loss all have profound effects on the parts of our happiness we control. This blog is her contribution to helping others get organized and, thus, claim a little bit more happiness in their lives.

Alejandra Costello’s blog

Alejandra explains her motivation to blog so eloquently: “It took me about a year to learn that organizing is so much more than putting your stuff away. It’s about creating a productive lifestyle that results in clarity and order which leads to feelings of calmness and peacefulness. The truth is, if you don’t know how to organize yourself both physically and mentally, you won’t be as productive as you can be.”

Clean Mama

Becky at Clean Mama admits that keeping life, family and home all running smoothly is something she has variable success at on a day-to-day basis, but her blog allows her to organize her own tips and strategies, and it turns out her readers find this useful for themselves.

Ask Anna

Anna Moseley’s blog follows a much more traditional Q&A format, as you might find in the Sunday edition of your local newspaper. Here is a great post she wrote in March on organizing the master bedroom closet.

Organizing Homelife

Ginny is homeschooling her four children, so running a tight ship at home is pretty much a must. Fortunately, she is an organized person, and she shares her own tips and insights on her blog.

Girlfriends Get Organized

Angela Ploetz is a professional organizer in Austin, Texas, who blogs not just about organizing but the business and industry itself.

Penelope Loves Lists

Meredith, the founder of the Penelope Loves Lists blog, created this site more as a home online for the obsessively organized. For those who need a little more extrinsic motivation to get their homes organized, use this site, and particular this sub-category, for inspiration.

The Bneato blog

Bneato is both Beth Ziegler’s professional organization company and blog, where she posts awesome tutorials for home organization projects. The number of random items she’s hacked for organizational purposes is mind-bending.

Honey, We’re Home

Megan’s blog is a combination design and home organization blog. As a number of other bloggers point out, there is certainly an aesthetic quality to organized spaces, and this blog explores that overlap with how-to posts and great photos.

Echoes of Laughter

Echoes of Laughter is a comprehensive lifestyle blog of which a key element is organizing your home. Have a look at this tutorial on how to organize your kitchen by dividing it into zones.

The Art of Simple

Blog founder Tsh Oxenreider unbundles the ideas of decluttering, cleaning and organizing and argues that those are separate disciplines, though the needs for each often overlap. You can read about that in her post on the differences between organizing and decluttering.

Organized Home

Blogger Cynthia Ewer wrote the book on organization (no, literally; it’s right here). Check out her great post from May on maintaining a level of organization even when moving.

Amber’s Organizing

Amber is a Chicago-based professional organizer who focuses on homes and offices. See her quick and easy 10-point guide for getting started with home organizing here.

Organize 365

If you have read through this list and thought to yourself, “This is easy; I could be a professional organizer!” then Lisa at Organize 365 has you covered: She has a post from June that details how exactly a person can go pro in organizing. Her blog is elsewhere full of great tips.


Mandi Ehman has four children, and keeping her house organized is a constant job. She’s a good person to learn from. If you have kids, too, you might want to have a look at this awesome post about keeping Legos organized.


Virginia at LiveLoveDIY is into interior design and DIY projects, a passion that translates into some pretty creative home-organizing tips and tricks. See this post on 10 DIY solutions to organize your home for a good example of that synergy.

The OrganizeDIY blog

Dana Mitchell has 20-plus years in HR and professional organizing, and her tips are quite useful. One great post from her blog is on quickly organizing your children’s drawers.

Apartment Therapy

Apartment Therapy is one of the premier home remodeling sites out there, and the blog has plenty of great organization tips, such as this list of 12 DIY tips for organizing your desk.


We saved the biggest blog for last. Unclutterer is the most robust resource for organizational tips and strategies on the web. Follow the blog on Twitter at @unclutterer.

images by:
Yvonne Eijkenduijn / Flickr
Uwe Hermann / Flickr
Emily May / Flickr