11 Ways to Keep Your Workshop Neat and Tidy

There are a number of tips you can follow to make your workshop much cleaner and productive. You can combine a fan and a filter, and then use it to take care of dust and debris. Afterwards, you can use plastic bags to further dispose of the dust without it having an adverse impact on your breathing. You can put soft carpeting on the floor to make your feet more comfortable. You can also use everyday items, like a tennis racquet or a sock, to hold your tools.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use a carpet pad to make a mat for the area around your workbench.
  • Attach a magnet to the end of a wooden dowel to make a broom that will pick up nails, screws, and brads.
  • If you want to protect your workbench, make a cover from rosin paper and scrap wood.

“Make your time in the workshop more productive by keeping a clutter-free and clean workshop with these tried-and-true tips.”

Read more: https://www.familyhandyman.com/workshop/tips-for-a-tidy-workshop/